4 Questions with the Founder of I Am Co. Health Boxes
A few months ago, I was thrilled to be featured on the I Am Co. blog describing my morning ritual. After discovering this clever brand I chatted to Georgie, founder of I Am Co. subscription health box company, about what she's learned about healthy eating and food.
An I Am Co. Health Box - Yum!
1. Why do you think people need help with eating healthy?
In the western world, we’re constantly presented with processed food products and beverages that have been tampered with and mess with our whole being. I believe food has a huge impact on how we exist in our day to day lives. Eating healthy can be the catalyst to get somebody on the right track in every area of their life.
2. Why is ethical or eco friendly food production important to you?
Although none of us are perfect, I think it’s important to take notice of at least the small things that we can. Looking for products that are ethically sourced or grown is becoming more and more crucial, particularly in the world of ‘Superfoods’ where a lot of these products are grown in developing countries.
Looking at the packaging is something we’re starting to take a lot more notice of and we will continue to update. I Am Co. will keep working towards becoming an even more eco-conscious company ourselves.
3. What's your FAVE healthy product you've come across?
Oooh such a hard one! As a big chocolate lover, I’d have to say any of the RAW chocolate products we’ve featured. I love Pana & Loving Earth chocolate from Australie, but the NZ brand ‘Neats Treats’ makes some pretty crazy good raw chocolate also. I love the natural feel-good chemicals that get produced when you eat raw cacao!
4. What does each Delight Box always contain? (is there a staple?)
We always love to include a different herbal tea. We’re big tea drinkers and know that it’s one thing you can never have too much of. Plus it encourages people to take time out of their busy-ness to slow down and have a moment. NZ has a lot of beautiful tea companies popping up all over the show, so we try to support these where possible!
In general we look for brands that share at least 2 or more of these values:
Free of preservative or additives.
GMO Free.
Refined sugar-free
Locally sourced
Georgie, Founder of I Am Co.
Thanks so much to Georgie for her expert insights into healthy food, eating and yummy NZ treats. Read more about Georgie, and I Am Co. Below. Get your own I Am Co. health box here.
Georgie Hendl is the founder of I AM Co. - a wellness hub online that spreads a message of self-empowerment and love. I AM Co sells a monthly subscription box ‘The Delight Box’, which is filled with up to 10 different health foods and natural beauty products.
Georgie is also a qualified holistic nutritionist, yoga instructor and passionate foodie.
She’s based out of Auckland, NZ.