health tips

How to sit well and protect your spine when you work from home

If you’re working from home, you may be struggling with neck and back pain at your computer you never experienced before. These aches usually stem from your working situation, particularly where and how you sit. I’ve noticed a huge surge in my patients asking about back pain since people began working from home two years ago, but luckily there’s an easy fix. Here’s how to sit well when you work from home to minimize spinal soreness.

How to combat back and neck pain from sitting at a desk

If you’re still working from home, you may still be in a temporary space. You may not even have a dedicated home office, and that’s OK. It does mean though, that you’re probably working from the couch or dining table. This means you’re adopting odd postures which often lead to headaches and back pain. 

Check out my video below where I show you some handy movements to help ease back pain at your desk.

Common issues my patients experience when working from home:

  • Lower back pain when sitting

  • Neck pain and increased headache incidence

If you’ve noticed these issues have started since working from home, they’re probably due to spinal positioning.

Low Back Pain caused by working from home

When the lumbar spine isn’t supported, you’ll end up feeling sore. It’s all about your spinal structures: If you’re sitting in a curved or ‘kyphotic’ lumbar position, your spinal discs can become irritated which manifests as soreness when sitting. 

Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck pain at work is usually caused by a poked chin position. When we sit for long periods with our chins poked forwards, the joints in the cervical spine can become stiff. This can lead to headaches that radiate into the temples and forehead, and sometimes symptoms down the arms.

How to sit well when you work from home

You can create your own ideal workspace at home even if you don’t have a home office. Forget what you’re sitting on, and create an ideal position with things around the house. The gal below has invested in a portable table to elevate her screen, making her makeshift office on her couch more ergonomic. Clever right?

5 Ways to Sit Better When You Work From Home

1. Slide your buttocks to the back of your chair

2. Keep your feet flat on the floor

Use textbooks or large boxes as a footstool if needed. This stops your hip flexors from over-activating and your lower back from rounding.

3. Support your lower back with a pillow/lumbar roll

Your lower back should be gently swayed (lordotic) when you sit. If you’re on the couch or a dining chair, use a small cushion to support your back. A rolled-up towel or store-bought lumbar roll also works well.

4. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and elbows are just below your keyboard

If you’re having to lift your shoulders to type, sit on a cushion or book to elevate your seat.  If you’re working from the couch, you may need to lift your laptop up onto a pillow to keep your elbows below the keyboard. The photo above shows a great example of how you can lift your laptop to the right height.

5. Bring your keyboard closer to you

This stops your shoulders from rounding and your chin poking forwards. You may need to invest in a wireless keyboard to achieve this position. 

It’s easy to have good posture when you have an idea of your postural goals. Whether you’re working from your home office, couch, or dining table, protect your spine by using the simple tips above.

Have questions about sitting well? Email me at: or on social media @aprivewellness.

This article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Caitlin Reid and Aprivé Wellness assume no responsibility or liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred as a result of any use or reliance upon the information and material contained within this article.


Little Known Ways to Hack Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is one of the most common health and wellbeing goals, but so few people manage to make it a lasting reality. This is almost always because they put nasty restrictions on what they can and can’t eat, and end up feeling crappy.

To make themselves feel better, they’ll eat even more unhealthy food, and they’ll continue the cycle. 

how to eat healthy

If weight loss is your goal in 2016 - STOP! 

Studies show that those who prioritise being healthy over weight loss lose more weight long term, and are more likely to keep it off. 

Ditch negative goals

Swap negative goals like “I’ll fit into my skinny jeans in 4 weeks or I won’t eat carbs for a month” and switch your mindset to incorporating healthy, positive goals into your eating.

Swap ‘losing weight’ with ‘being healthy.’

Once you focus on eating healthy food, you’re bound to lose weight anyway!

tips for healthy eating

There are so many ways to eat healthier, but here are just a few hints.

Print off this list and put it on your fridge. Put a tick next to each one when you’ve tried it.

1. Take Mason Jar salads to work for lunch; they're healthy & look beautiful. Layer salad dressing, then legumes, then greens, with tomatoes and nuts on top.

how to make mason jar salads

2. Add super foods to your diet (chia seeds, amaranth, spirulina, psyllium husks)

  -Try adding them to smoothies if you struggle with the texture or taste

3. Add one extra veggie to your dinner every night. Try to aim for three to start, and work your way up to 5.

4. Eat vegetarian meals four out of seven days. Indian, vegetarian dishes are my favourites for hearty meat-free meals.

5. Occasionally swap bread for corn thins or rice crackers.

6. Take bliss balls to work for the 3pm slump instead of coffee.

7. Decrease your coffee intake by one cup a day (if you drink four now, try swapping one coffee for green tea instead - you'll save money too!)

None of the tips above are about limitation or deprivation, they’re about trying new, exciting things to brighten your plate, and give you more energy!

photo: snob fashion blog

photo: snob fashion blog

The best way to eat healthy long term

Reading a blog post isn't always enough - you might need some personalised, tailor-made help through a one-on-one session with me.

After getting to know you through an initial consultation form, I’ll help you understand what’s holding you back from eating healthy via a one-hour Skype session. From there, I’ll give you a tangible, meaningful Wellness Action Plan to help you move forward and get results.

Whether you choose one session or a package, the small, meaningful changes you make via your Wellness Action Plan will help you learn what's holding you back from having more energy and eating good, nutritious food. I'll help you become the person you long to be; the truly amazing person you are.

By spending this time together, you’ll get evidence-based steps to help you live a happier, healthier life. 


Why should you work with me?

After practicing Physiotherapy, PT and health consulting for years around the world in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, I’ve learned how to make health fun and inspiring. You’re not like anyone else, and your program needs to be designed for you, and only you.