health and wellness

What sailing from NZ to Fiji taught me about health and wellbeing

I love a good adventure, and when my boyfriend decided we should get a sailboat and sail from New Zealand to Fiji, I figured; Why not! I started researching the journey, and discovered it's a very popular route and plenty of people do it each year. So! I did a few sailing lessons, and on June 22nd this year, we left the Bay of Islands and sailed to Savu Savu, Fiji. 

It may seem like an extreme adventure, but there were months of preparation behind it; the details of which aren't very thrilling unless you love hearing about tying knots, drilling and cleaning things. What is interesting though, is what I've learned about health and wellbeing thanks to this exciting adventure.

1. Sometimes you just need to take a leap

Thanks to social media, the ‘comparison trend’ is everywhere, making too many of us feel like we’re not quite whole.

The feeling of needing to do more or be more than we are stops so many of us from achieving exciting things. This need to have ‘more’ of something is everywhere, people may want:

  • More patience before they have children

  • More money before they pursue their dream job

  • More activewear before they go to the gym

As a physiotherapist I've heard every excuse to avoid rehab or activity, (including the one about active wear!) We're all guilty of making those little excuses without realising they hold us back.

The feeling that we don't have quite ENOUGH OF SOMETHING YET all comes down to confidence. It's the little voice in our head saying 'no, you can't do it...not yet.'

Sure, sailing the Pacific Ocean can be dangerous, but there are plenty of tools to help mitigate the risks. After researching and purchasing every safety tool we could need, learning as much as I could and passing our safety inspection, I felt ready. It was a huge leap to take for someone who had only done four sailing lessons, but I learned sometimes you've just got to give it a go. It was a great learning for me who loves every piece of information before I try something!

2. Eating fried, fatty foods is hard on your digestion

This is a no brainer, but I had never felt the truth of this statement until arriving in Fiji. During the passage from NZ, we ate rice, beans, cabbage, vegetables, pasta and freshly caught Skipjack and Yellowfin tuna. Essentially we ate whole, real foods which I thought I did already, but obviously not!

When we arrived into Fiji, the boat was wet through and we were craving a warm burger and chips. We waited a few days, then hit the Waitui marina to satisfy our craving.

The next day, we both felt sluggish and lazy, almost worse than the day we had arrived after very little sleep at sea. I was blown away with the difference in our energy levels.

Our bodies had become so accustomed to eating clean foods, fried fatty food was almost too much to manage.

I'm not saying fried foods are the enemy, but they do have a HUGE impact on energy and wellbeing. The occasional dumpling night or burger and chips is absolutely fine, but notice if you're injecting fried and fatty foods into your diet elsewhere. It could be making you lethargic without you realising. Learn more about how to eat better here.

3. Not sweating the small stuff is key to contentment

I found sailing from NZ to Fiji pretty tough and it wasn't because we were in 4km deep seas, soaked by waves on night watch or five days from the nearest shore. It was because myself and the two others on the boat were exceptionally tired. 

Extreme fatigue is the ultimate test. Science has proven after 19 hours without sleep, your mind functions at the same level as having a blood alcohol reading of 0.05, and after ten days at sea with broken, minimal sleep every night, balance, coordination, strength and decision making were all diminished. 

So! In this somewhat extreme environment, I learned that not sweating the small stuff made everyday easier, for everyone. 

The little things don't matter in the middle of the Pacific, but they also don't matter at home.

Choosing to let small things slide helped us arrive safely and happily in Fiji, and I have learned it will also help me achieve other goals with family and friends at home.

I've learned we all need to ask ourselves more often: "Does that really matter?" before jumping to say our piece.

Sailing from NZ was a tough and wonderful experience, and I’m so thrilled I was able to enjoy some wellness learnings along the way.

What is the biggest thing about wellbeing that you’ve learned through experience?

To hear more from me about wellness, plus get quarterly blog posts with interviews with some of the world's best wellness pros, sign up to my newsletter!

5 Ways To Improve Your Digestion this Winter

Most of us don't usually think about digestion until it gets our attention with tummy pain or uncomfortable bloating. ugh! 

In winter; overeating of heavy, rich foods can leave you feeling horrible. Never fear! You can escape the bloat!

Try these 5 tips to decrease bloating & discomfort this winter.

1. Hot Water & Lemon - Yes it Works

It helps make your system more alkaline, stopping acid reflux and helping your stomach dissolve your food. It also helps flush your liver, and stimulate peristalsis - the contraction of your intestines that moves food through your digestive tract.

Tip: It's a warm, fuzzy way to start the day, and less stimulating on your nervous system than coffee. 

why you should drink hot water and lemon

2. Eat Probiotics

In tablets, yoghurt, kombucha or sauerkraut, probiotics help keep your body’s delicate ecosystem of bacteria flourishing. This prevents ‘bad’ bacteria overtaking your system causing things like thrush. Probiotics also help boost your seratonin levels and mood! Read how. 

Tip: Try adding a curried sauerkraut to hot pumpkin soup this winter. I recommend the Amala Curry flavour by Be Nourished.

3. Try Chia Seeds & Psyllium Husks

These super foods are fibrous and help everything in your system keep...well...moving along. Try sprinkling some on your yoghurt or blend them up in a smoothie.

Tip: Chia puddings are all the rage; get a recipe from my interview for I am Co. You can even make hot chia puddings in winter!

4. Get Moving

Exercise helps aid digestion by increasing your body's blood flow, which your digestive tract needs to function. Try to make time for 30 mins of exercise a day (walking around the block counts!)

Tip: Yoga and indoor workouts work too if you don’t want to brave the cold in winter.

how to have healthy digestion

5. Decrease Your Stress Levels

When your body is stressed, you get stuck in a ‘fight or flight’ nervous system response. Your blood flows to your extremities and primes your muscles to help you run away from a bear, but it takes blood away from the digestive tract. Sadly, your intestines can’t function properly with low blood supply, and the movement of your intestines slows. Bits of food sit, unmoving in your intestines, causing gas, bloating and even IBS. Learn how to combat this here.

Tip: Try to avoid stressful situations (eg. a meeting with a difficult client) when your digestive system needs extra help like after lunch.

If you're stuck in a rut and want to live a happier, healthier life, contact me to get your personalised Wellness Action Plan now!

The Zen of De-Stressing Your Tech

I love my laptop and, even though it took convincing to leave my flip phone for a smart version, I love my phone too. However, sometimes notifications popping up on a screen can make me feel overwhelmed and I used to just put my phone in a drawer, only to open it again when I heard another *ping!* Now I do things differently.

Instead of shoving your phone in a drawer when it's overwhelming you with noises, vibrations and messages you probably don't need to reply to right now, try these tips.

1. Try having a calm inbox.

Try checking your inbox just twice a day, once in the morning, and once at night. 10AM and 3PM are good times to answer any emails that need your attention and file away, or delete any others. You’ll find you inbox is less cluttered, and you actually process your email better when you’ve made time to sit and read them, rather than scrolling through them on the train. You’ll also want to turn off your email notifications on your phone, otherwise the calm inbox idea doesn’t work!

Tip: If a calm inbox just isn’t an option for your work inbox, try just doing it for your personal one. You can also change the level of calm by checking it 4 times a day if it suits you better.

stress and technology

2. Turn off unnecessary push notifications

Do you really care that someone you went to high school with just liked the same photo as you? No. Unless you’re a social media manager, the notifications from facebook, twitter and Instagram aren’t urgent.

Check them when you’re ready, not when your device tells you to. Without that *ping* interrupting your chat, coffee, drive or ‘me time,’ you’ll have more undivided attention directed at whatever you’re doing.

health and wellness coach

3. Change your ring tones

Just the sound of certain ring tones can put us on edge, so choose a round, bubbly sound rather than a shrill, hectic tone. If you can’t find one you like, there are plenty to buy online. Choosing a ringtone that starts softly and builds in volume can work too.

4. Delete those apps

Do you still play Angry Birds? If you do, never mind. But if you don’t? Delete it! On a tablet, laptop or smartphone screen, seeing pages and pages of apps can seem overwhelming. The feeling that you just can’t deal with everything in your life is made worse with too many choices, options and clutter. Ditch any apps you don’t use. You won’t miss them.

how to decrease stress

5. Turn it off or on silent & face down at bedtime

As you drift slowly into a deep sleep, there’s nothing worse than *ping!* ‘someone liked your photo.’ Tech is being blamed for why so many people are sleeping badly, so don’t get sucked into the trap. If you’re reluctant to turn your phone off, put it on silent (not vibrate) and place it face down. That way you’ll still get your messages in the morning and your alarm will still go off, but your evening slumber will go undisturbed.


Technology is here to make our lives easier, so don’t let it get in the way. 

What have you tried to de-stress your tech?

Little Known Ways to Hack Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is one of the most common health and wellbeing goals, but so few people manage to make it a lasting reality. This is almost always because they put nasty restrictions on what they can and can’t eat, and end up feeling crappy.

To make themselves feel better, they’ll eat even more unhealthy food, and they’ll continue the cycle. 

how to eat healthy

If weight loss is your goal in 2016 - STOP! 

Studies show that those who prioritise being healthy over weight loss lose more weight long term, and are more likely to keep it off. 

Ditch negative goals

Swap negative goals like “I’ll fit into my skinny jeans in 4 weeks or I won’t eat carbs for a month” and switch your mindset to incorporating healthy, positive goals into your eating.

Swap ‘losing weight’ with ‘being healthy.’

Once you focus on eating healthy food, you’re bound to lose weight anyway!

tips for healthy eating

There are so many ways to eat healthier, but here are just a few hints.

Print off this list and put it on your fridge. Put a tick next to each one when you’ve tried it.

1. Take Mason Jar salads to work for lunch; they're healthy & look beautiful. Layer salad dressing, then legumes, then greens, with tomatoes and nuts on top.

how to make mason jar salads

2. Add super foods to your diet (chia seeds, amaranth, spirulina, psyllium husks)

  -Try adding them to smoothies if you struggle with the texture or taste

3. Add one extra veggie to your dinner every night. Try to aim for three to start, and work your way up to 5.

4. Eat vegetarian meals four out of seven days. Indian, vegetarian dishes are my favourites for hearty meat-free meals.

5. Occasionally swap bread for corn thins or rice crackers.

6. Take bliss balls to work for the 3pm slump instead of coffee.

7. Decrease your coffee intake by one cup a day (if you drink four now, try swapping one coffee for green tea instead - you'll save money too!)

None of the tips above are about limitation or deprivation, they’re about trying new, exciting things to brighten your plate, and give you more energy!

photo: snob fashion blog

photo: snob fashion blog

The best way to eat healthy long term

Reading a blog post isn't always enough - you might need some personalised, tailor-made help through a one-on-one session with me.

After getting to know you through an initial consultation form, I’ll help you understand what’s holding you back from eating healthy via a one-hour Skype session. From there, I’ll give you a tangible, meaningful Wellness Action Plan to help you move forward and get results.

Whether you choose one session or a package, the small, meaningful changes you make via your Wellness Action Plan will help you learn what's holding you back from having more energy and eating good, nutritious food. I'll help you become the person you long to be; the truly amazing person you are.

By spending this time together, you’ll get evidence-based steps to help you live a happier, healthier life. 


Why should you work with me?

After practicing Physiotherapy, PT and health consulting for years around the world in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, I’ve learned how to make health fun and inspiring. You’re not like anyone else, and your program needs to be designed for you, and only you. 

Physiotherapists Are The New Innovators Of The Wellness Industry

When you think about Physiotherapy, you probably imagine limping into a clinic with a sprained ankle, but recently more Physios, like me, are making their mark in the wellness industry. I spoke to Melissa Ingram, Physio and Wellness Consultant at the infamous Golden Door Health Retreat, Elysia, to learn more.

How is Physiotherapy Linked to Wellness?

As a Physio, we undergo two years of gruelling medical school along with cadaver dissection (not for everyone!) followed by two to three more years of full-time rotations in clinics and hospitals. After graduation, we spend a lot of time solving people's problems, helping them understand what’s wrong with them, and convincing patients to do their exercises.

Essentially, we work exactly like a wellness consultant; we assess, educate, inform, and promote habit change.

Thanks to extensive training, Physiotherapists are using their expert knowledge of human anatomy, biochemistry, mechanics and human motivation to enhance the wellness industry.

Physiotherapy & Wellness Expert Melissa Ingram

Like me, Melissa Ingram decided her patients needed a holistic approach to recovery, not simply clinical, so she joined Golden Door health retreat, Elysia, in the Hunter Valley, and hasn’t turned back.

On a daily basis, Melissa works with retreat guests who are on a mission to make themselves better, happier people. She blends her expertise as a Physio, wellness coach and exercise rehabilitation specialist to help them realise what factors may be holding them back; physical, emotional or habitual. After years in the role, Melissa continues to learn and be inspired by her guests:

“I now have a much clearer understanding of how formidable our brains are and how they allow (or prevent) us to live whole lives. This requires a more holistic approach than just traditional Physiotherapy or wellness alone.”

Wellness Meets Science

By blending the two schools of thought, from mindfulness and wellbeing to evidence-based science, Melissa gives people real, meaningful tools to make effective changes in their lives.

Rather than airy fairy wellbeing sessions, Physiotherapists in the wellness industry make wellness both fun and effective thanks to their extensive training and expert people skills.

So! Next time you’re looking for someone to help you live a happier, healthier life, look for a Physiotherapist, like Melissa or myself, who specialises in the wellness industry. You’ll be inspired, refreshed and have lots of laughs along the way while learning meaningful tools to enhance your life. 

New Year, New You Wellness Retreat Recap

Queenstown Wellness Retreat

Our retreat last weekend was a huge success! This sold out event at Nugget Point Hotel and Spa blended yoga, Pilates, nutrition, meditation, goal setting and luxury relaxation for an inspiring day.

I was so humbled our guests had flown or driven to the event from all over the country! Women of all ages from Tauranga, Wanaka, Invercargill and locals from Queenstown joined together to learn tips on how to live better in 2016.

Yoga Pilates Fusion class 

I pushed our guests with planks, some tricky core work and difficult balance in the yoga/Pilates fusion class. The retreat was all about starting fresh and achieving goals after all! 

smoothies, nutrition & vegetarian treats

Berry smoothies followed, then our guests were treated to a nutritintion workshop by Michelle of Queenstown Nutrition. They learned how to make matcha smoothies bowls with organic Japanese matcha, a green tea powder with 137 times the antioxidants of green tea! I’m so grateful to Matcha Maiden from Melbourne for sending this superfood to us.

We also learned about the health benefits of fermented food, and tried sauerkraut by Be Nourished. The curry one was my favourite!

Talking about food made the ladies hungry, so it was time for lunch: lentil salad, mesculin and beetroot salad, pumpkin soup and a luxurious cheese board. Aprivé Wellness is all about balance, and treating our guests to a cheese board added a hint of luxury to the day, plus it stayed within our nutrition rule of 80:20. 80% of what you eat should be healthy, and 20% can be a bit naughty!

goal setting & meditation

I led the goal setting session where our guests used the WOOP technique to set an important goal for the year. They locked in their goals by writing them in beautiful 2016 diaries from The Collective Hub. The inspirational messages in their pages are sure to help all the guests stay on track this year.

Meditation on the grass overlooking the Shotover river was the perfect way to unwind and relax, with one of our guests who has a little baby at home falling asleep! She, and all our guests really needed a break, so after meditation they wandered up the sun kissed steps to the stunning Nugget point spa to enjoy the steam room, pool, sauna and hot tub.

Picking up their gift bags with products from Olive Skincare, Global Soap NZ, Matcha Maiden and Chia, each guest hugged me on their way out. I was so flattered with the kind words all the guests uttered as they left, and really hope each felt refreshed and empowered to achieve their goals for 2016.

don't miss your chance to attend our next retreat

All our retreats have been sold out! So become an Aprivé Wellness VIP to be the first to learn about our events so you don't miss out!