Why Your Back and Neck Are Sore Workshop at Aro-ha & Align Pilates Seminar
In Queenstown, people are feeling great now that spring is here. As a Holistic Physiotherapist, I've noticed a big change in my patients. They have more energy and are more motivated. Even those with small niggles they have ignored all winter are coming to me for help to feel better and move better. It's incredible to see this positive change in my patients and the people at recent events. Here's a quick summary of two spring gatherings I was inspired to speak at, and what you missed.
Negative Self Talk & Storytelling - What happens when we change one story we tell about ourselves at Align Pilates
Emma, owner of Align Pilates, asked me to speak at her Spring Equinox event which celebrates the renewal of springtime. I was so thrilled to share this science-based talk about how mindset drives ability. I shared two specific stories about my patients (names and details changed for privacy) to share that the stories we tell ourselves can change our abilities, relationships and thoughts.
For example, isn’t it strange how we’re so quick to believe our negative self-talk? And this talk becomes a story we believe is real and true?
eg. You eat a whole bag of chips, so you’re worthless.
Now only one part of this story is true: The chip-eating. But we find it hard to distinguish between what’s a true story, and what our brain has created.
Below is 1 slide from the seminar to show that this negative storytelling/self-talk isn’t real at all. It’s just a story our brain has created for us.
We ended the workshop with an activity. The audience had to picture their future lives without repeating negative stories to themselves.
Could you imagine your life without negative self-talk? It’d be pretty great right?
2. Why Your Back and Neck Get Sore (& No It’s Not Your Fault) at Aro-Ha Wellness Retreat
Last Saturday I taught a community workshop at the notorious luxury wellness retreat Aro-ha. Blending science with holistic strategies, we discussed the anatomy and physiology of the spine and common reasons why spinal pain is so common. And yep, you guessed it: It’s not your fault! Spinal pain is an unfortunate feature of modern life.
The key takeaway was that spinal pain doesn’t have to be scary and complicated. And there is no quick fix. We all need to work on our spinal health. But there are a few key things we can do to create real change.
Below are the 4 main points I repeated throughout the workshop, and into the movement class.
How will you enhance your health this spring?
Now’s the time to set a challenge for yourself. It can be small, like ‘take 5 deep breaths when I get to my desk every morning’ or big ‘run 5kms 3 times a week.’ But use the energy of spring to kickstart your health goal whatever it is.
Want help with your wellness?
Join my community and you’ll get my quarterly health and wellness tips and tricks, plus you’ll hear about any of my upcoming events.
Happy Spring!